Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Mutlaq

حسن الخاتمة وسائلها وعلاماتها والتحذير من سوء الخاتمة ( إنجليزي )

حسن الخاتمة: إن نصيب الإنسان من الدنيا عمره، فإن أحسن استغلاله فيما ينفعه في دار القرار ربحت تجارته، وإن أساء استغلاله في المعاصي والسيئات حتى لقي الله على تلك الخاتمة السيئة فهو من الخاسرين، وكم حسرة تحت التراب، والعاقل من حاسب نفسه قبل أن يحاسبه الله، وخاف من ذنوبه قبل أن تكون سببا في هلاكه.

Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Mutlaq

The Good End

The Good End: During his lifetime, man moves from one stage to the another beginning with childhood followed by his youth and ends with senility. During these stages, man encounters times of rest and distress as well as good health and other affairs. The author in this book has presented the causes of a good end i.e. eternal happiness etc.. One should not only remain hoping but he has to seek the means and ways to have a good end. Reading such books will help you to consciously seek to be one of the blessed people whom Allah will grant eternal happiness in Paradise.