• php
  • 1801
  • 20-3-2008
  • The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the data in a recordset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=FA0309]The ORDER BY Keyword[/color]
    The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the data in a recordset. [color=FA0309]Syntax[/color]
    SELECT column_name(s)
    FROM table_name
    ORDER BY column_name
    Note: SQL statements are not case sensitive. ORDER BY is the same as order by. [color=FA0309]Example[/color]
    The following example selects all the data stored in the "Person" table, and sorts the result by the "Age" column:
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","peter","abc123");
    if (!$con)
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    } mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY age"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo $row['FirstName'];
    echo " " . $row['LastName'];
    echo " " . $row['Age'];
    echo "<br />";
    The output of the code above will be:
    Glenn Quagmire 33
    Peter Griffin 35
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=FA0309]Sort Ascending or Descending[/color]
    If you use the ORDER BY keyword, the sort-order of the recordset is ascending by default (1 before 9 and "a" before "p"). Use the DESC keyword to specify a descending sort-order (9 before 1 and "p" before "a"):
    SELECT column_name(s)
    FROM table_name
    ORDER BY column_name DESC
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=FA0309]Order by Two Columns[/color]
    It is possible to order by more than one column. When ordering by more than one column, the second column is only used if the values in the first column are identical:
    SELECT column_name(s)
    FROM table_name
    ORDER BY column_name1, column_name2
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